Is There a Chase Bank in Mexico [2022]

Is There a Chase Bank in Mexico

Yes, and no. It all depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a ‘first-floor’ banking operation (retail banking), your answer is no because Chase Bank does not do that in Mexico. There is no Chase Bank branch in Mexico where you can perform banking activities such as deposit, withdrawal, debit card issuance, account opening, etc.

On the other hand, if you are talking of just the mere presence of Chase Bank in Mexico, your answer is yes. However, you need to know that the bank does not run branches you can walk into to complain. Although the parent company, JPMorgan & Co, has been doing business in Mexico for over a century, the banking division only operates as a private bank.

By implication, Chase Bank’s operations in Mexico are exclusively for high-net-worth customers. In other words, Chase Bank is a wholesale bank in Mexico.

What Services Can I Enjoy From Chase Bank in Mexico

Opening an offshore account is a good entry point if you want to enjoy Chase’s services in Mexico. Once that is done, the perks follow.

  • Personalized Banking

First, Chase Bank’s private banking operations in Mexico offer personalized banking experiences with many luxuries. The bank designates a private banker or a team of private bankers for every customer. It has over 450 client advisers in Latin America, and a substantial number are in Mexico.

This banker or team of bankers handles your financial needs with the bank. That affords you extra comfort and easy access to professional financial advice on the go. 

  • Tax Planning

Another product available from Chase Bank in Mexico is tax planning. This is a sensitive financial duty that, if poorly handled, can land you in legal problems. Many individuals and organizations have regretted not engaging professionals to handle their tax planning. With Chase Bank’s professional support, you can sleep knowing nothing will go wrong.

The bank has a tax-planning-dedicated team that gets you informed so that you know your options. Whether personal or corporate tax planning, you have nothing to worry about. They guide you to find the best structures, solutions, and strategies to help you achieve your financial goals. These include the tax benefits that your investments can enjoy.   

  • Investment Planning 

Chase can also help you with your investment planning. Have you ever heard of tax-efficient investing? That’s what they do. You do not go into any investment until you have understood all situations connected to it. Mexican government policies are especially technical at times. Therefore, they need deep studying and clear interpretations. Otherwise, you may be sinking your investment even before you start operations.

  • Estate Planning

This is one of the highly complex plans. Chase private bank services can give you easy access to properties outside Mexico. You can discuss how to put together an estate plan with private bankers assigned to you. Because this area requires specialized skills, the bankers may have to get you trusted experts who will assist in shaping your dream into reality.

  • General Financial Planning

Being a private bank customer of Chase Bank in Mexico means you are entitled to general financial planning. This planning covers almost all aspects of your financial life. Everything from saving for your child’s education to spending on a mortgage is covered. Your professional private bankers consider your current financial status, your financial potential, and your current expenses. Doing this helps them decide on the most financially best course of action.  

  • Credit Cum Cash-Flow Management

You can access credit facilities with low rates from Chase Bank. This is part of the package geared towards ensuring you are financially healthy. It’s the responsibility of the bank to advise you against borrowing if your private bankers think it won’t help you.     

Can I Use My Chase Bank Debit Card in Mexico

Yes, you can use it virtually everywhere in the world. Your only concern here is that using your debit card outside the US might attract some charges. Remember that Chase does not have ATMs in Mexico. It means you can only use a third-party ATM (non-Chase ATM). In that case, every transaction you make from a non-Chase ATM attracts a $5 fee. That is not all; you will also have to pay a foreign transaction fee on every transaction. That is 3% of what you withdraw from a non-Chase ATM. These charges may accumulate fast and become an extra financial burden for you.

Besides using your Chase debit card to withdraw cash, you can also use it to make payments. You can use POS (Point of Sale) devices at restaurants and department stores. This also comes with charges, though limited to foreign transaction charges.

Here is a heads-up, by the way. It is advisable that you pre-inform your bank that you will be using your card from abroad. They may need to place a travel alert on that card. Otherwise, the bank may put a fraud hold on the card when they notice transactions in Mexico. Though the bank does this to ensure the security of your account, it may land you in many difficulties abroad.

Can I Obtain a Chase Bank Debit Card in Mexico

No, you can’t. As discussed above, Chase Bank does not offer retail banking services in Mexico. Therefore, you must be extra protective of your Chase Debit Card while in Mexico. That is because you cannot replace it immediately if you misplace it.     


There was speculation in early 2021 that Chase Bank was closing its private banking operations in Mexico. Some media outlets speculated that it was advising its customers to transfer their assets to BBVA Mexico. This probably came up because Chase pulled out of Brazil, another Latin American country, months earlier.

However, Chase Bank has not confirmed this until now. Thus, it is still operating its private banking in Mexico, and you can access these services if you want.